Monday, October 21, 2013

The History of Herbalism and the use of Indigenous Herbs in South Africa

The History of Herbalism and the use of Indigenous Herbs in South Africa

Herbalism can be defined as using plants for its medicinal properties and dates back till the beginning of time.  A crude example is that even animals would know intuitively which plants to eat or not eat if they are unwell.  Certain plants contain active constituents which in some cases have medicinal properties when used appropriately. Evidence of the use of plants for its medicinal properties dates back to ancient Egyptian times (2680 – 2181 BC) as well as the Old Kingdom or Roman Period (31BC – AD 395), which certainly pre dates Western Medicine.  Plants were once a primary source of all the medicines in the world – natural products and their derivatives represent more than 50% of all drugs in Clinical use in the world.

Plants are important for the physical healing and spiritual well being of African people. It is estimated that more that 70% of South-Africans consult indigenous healers and that 80 – 85% of the black people of South Africa uses African traditional medicines. At least 600 species of African plants are commonly used as herbal remedies by Traditional Healers.

The medicinal plant trade in South Africa has the potential to generate valuable opportunities for economic and social upliftment of the county if it is well managed and not exploited.  Current research is focused on finding more efficient ways of propagating South African indigenous plants and to use it safe and effectively in a sustainable way.

It is well known that South Africa has a rich culture of traditional healing Practices – many which also include the use of plants. In Phytotherapy, plants and herbs are used in a clinical way. When working with plants as medicine it is essential to be aware of potential drug herb interactions in order to use herbal medicine safely – which is one of the reasons making Professional training is essential.  Phyto is the Greek word for plant – which emphasize the therapeutic action of plants.  Although herbal medicine has a very long history, In South Africa there is currently only 40 Practitioners of Phytotherapy registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.

For any enquiries about the effective and safe use of Herbal Medicine you are welcome to contact Dr Sanien de Beer – the In House Registered Phytotherapist at Mayfair.

“But herbal medicine does have one indisputable advantage over chemical medicine…regardless of its history.  It seems reasonable to assume that any plant with a centuries-long reputation for being safe as well as effective, has probably earned that reputation”
– Margaret Roberts –