Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chakra Points & Africology

Chakra Points & Africology

In order to understand chakras, one must acknowledge and respect the presence 
of energy in the human body. There are centres of energy that correlate to particular 
emotions, functions and colours. 

Research has shown that these areas have been proven to lie along certain hormonal 
systems and can be manipulated to improve mental and physical imbalances. 

 Contrary to popular belief, chakras are not related to a particular religious system. 
Part of their benefit is that chakras stand outside any religious system, and instead 
work on the principle of energy, something all believers and nonbelievers can 
understand and partake in.

So, what is the DEFINITION of a chakra? "A chakra is an energy centre where a 
concentration of physical nerves congregates, overlaid by an energy 'body' with 
subtler vibrations. The chakra is commonly referred to as a subtle wheel of energy. 
It is associated with a specific  endocrine gland(s) or organ(s) in the physical body, 
and a consciousness in the emotional/mental bodies."

blend of essential oils to aid and to rebalance the chakra so 
to have one's energy levels revitalized.

Chakra One: RED Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self--preservation

Base/Root Chakra: Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL  – Patchouli  Patchouli oil has a  rounding and 
balancing effect on the emotions and banishes lethargy, while sharpening the wits, fighting depression and anxiety. It is also said to create an amorous atmosphere.


Chakra Two: ORANGE Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self--gratification 
Spleen Chakra: Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, 
sexual fulfilment, and the ability to accept change.
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL – Grapefruit •  Grapefruit refreshing oil helps to
 boost digestion, benefits the immune system by helping to clear the lymphatic system, 
helps with skin problems, and can be used for muscle stiffness, water retention and for bolstering the nervous system.

Chakra Three: YELLOW Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self--definition 
Solar Plexus Chakra: When  healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity,and non-- dominating power. 
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL -- Lemon  Lemon's clean smelling citrus essential 
oil is not only good for helping you make decisions and to improve your concentration, 
but cuts down on acidity in the body -- thereby assisting the digestion, as well as with rheumatism, arthritis and gout, while also sorting out cellulite, 
abscesses, boils, carbuncles and acne.

Chakra Four: GREEN Air, social identity, oriented to self--acceptance
Heart Chakra: A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, 
and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL – Bergamot Bergamot's fresh smell is a 
favourite in aromatherapy and is great for creating a more relaxed and happy feeling, 
relieving urinary  tract  infections, boosting the liver, spleen and stomach, while fighting 
oily skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema, as well as cold sores.

Chakra Five:   BLUE Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self--expression 
Throat Chakra: Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as 
the vibration of sound representing language.
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL – Lavender  Lavender oil is one of the most favourite essential oils, as it has wonderful qualities and also smells great. It is an calming, relaxing oil, which combats stress and crisis, while the antiseptic properties helps with cold, flu and other ailments. It is excellent  for asthma and migraines. 
Apart from that it supports female health and on the skin it has a healing effect, while preventing scarring and balancing the skin.

 Chakra Six: INDIGO Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-- reflection
Third Eye/Brow Chakra: When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us 
"see the big picture."
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL -- Geranium • Geranium helps to balance the mind and emotions, while stimulating the adrenal cortex and balancing the hormonal system and stimulating the lymphatic system. On the other hand, it balances the production of sebum in the skin, while keeping it supple and helping with the 
healing of wounds.

Chakra Seven: PURPLE Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-- knowledge Crown Chakra: When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, 
wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.
 MASSAGE CANDLE & OIL -- Ylang-Ylang Ylang--Ylang is extremely 
fragrant and has a calming effect on the mind and body and is used in cases of 
frigidity and impotence. It has a wonderfully balancing and stimulating effect on the 
skin, to correct sebum production and is also used to stimulate hair growth. 

CANDLES – R310 each OILS – R150 each FOR FURTHER INFO…