Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Steven Jordon Pilates

Coming to i.move studio from March 1st 2015. For your bookings and enquiries email: info@mayfairwellness.co.za or speak to Jeanne directly.

Steve was brought up amongst fitness, working at his father’s gym since the age of nine. His father Abe Jordan was twice Mr Universe finalist back in 1966 and 1968 when Arnold Schwarzennegger triumphed. At the age of eleven, Steve began playing tennis on a semi professional level and then became a professional tennis coach.
At the age of twenty, he became a qualified personal trainer. In 1991 Steve moved to London England and taught Pilates classes to professional dancers at The London Studio Centre, the 4th largest dance school in the UK, for injuries and injury prevention.
Steve has been teaching Pilates for more than 25 years, and Began  6 years before the British Body Control Association was formed in 1995.
He found that dance, personal training and Pilates exercises are a very effective combination for injury rehabilitation, posture correction and aerobic fitness. It is this unique "all-in-one" method which makes Steve Jordan Pilates so unique and effective!

Why Steve Jordan Pilates?
Steve Jordan Pilates is a way to get you fit and in shape, correct your posture and cure
most injuries, develop long lean toned muscles in a short space of time. Guaranteed results
within three sessions especially if you have any kind of postural misalignments, injuries or
 over-used muscles usually from bad posture, which can be corrected quickly in most cases.
         Taught in London UK & Cape Town and now in Somerset West.
         Everyone starts with a maximum of three one to one Pilates classes in order for us
to assess your posture and any injuries you may have. All exercises are explained in great
detail and what they do for you so that when you join a small group you will know how
to do them well.
         Developed and taught personally by Steve Jordan himself, he has developed a
uniquely challenging and effective form of Pilates exercise, combining over 25 years of
experience in Pilates, personal training and dance rehabilitation exercise to achieve
maximum results.
         Our mat and gravity reformer machine sessions combine a unique cardio workout
with strength training and postural realignment all at the same time!
         You will acquire long lean, toned muscles, cardio fitness, we fix most injuries, the
most common being lower back pain, neck tension and knee injuries, suppleness and
excellent personal body awareness.
         Routines are personalized to achieve maximum results.
         Unique gravity reformers which work on gravity offer a far better workout as
compared to spring reformers.
         We guarantee results within your first three one to one sessions.
         Small group sessions (6 People Maximum) personal attention, fast results.
         Pay per session or for 10 sessions up front at a discounted rate.
         24 hours notice required for any cancellation or full fee will be charged.

Cure back pain, neck tension and knee injuries.

Reshape your body become longer leaner and more toned.

Correct your posture. Aquire cardio fitness

Postural realignment, mind body connection and suppleness.

Mat and machine sessions.

Guaranteed results within 3 sessions.

One-on-one or group sessions.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Our very own Dr Sanien de Beer on SABC 3's Expresso Show

“Phytotherapy is a form of modern plant based herbal medicine”
– and hopefully will become a more familiar concept…

See our very own in-house doctor Dr Sanien de Beer in action recently on the Espresso Show on SABC 3.

Evan – one of the presenters of the Expresso Show came for a Phytotherapy session and that is why the You tube link is called Evan’s Phytotherapy Session.

Click on the link below to watch:

Well done Sanien - we are so proud of you!

The still place within December 2014

The still place within December 2014

As the end of the year speeds towards us at a frightening pace.....
or am I imagining it.....it is good to take a moment and reflect on what is 
really important in our lives.  We are so good at doing, at following a routine, 
at serving our bosses and masters.  Ha! Money is also a master, right?
We grow tired, we become numb. Before that little voice that wants to throw the 
alarm clock across the room and slip back into sleep, dies completely, listen up. 
That little voice knows what we need. If you cannot kill the alarm, at least build 
some rest into your day.
Joseph Campbell, the master of myths, and the man who encouraged each of 
his students to follow their bliss, talks about the still place within us. Without being 
able to access that place within, we are not anchored in our lives. That still place is 
also a place that cannot be violated, it is too private, too deep within each of us. 
When we visit that place we become aware of how we are one, how we are 
connected to all that exists on this planet and to our Creator. 
We owe it to ourselves to become quiet, at least once a day, with no agenda other 
than just being, just sitting with ourselves and noticing what happens next. At first 
it might not be much, but as you persevere, you may become entranced at the 
richness of your inner life. Joseph advocated a special room for this private time! 
I do not think many of us have the luxury. However we can all find a quiet corner somewhere which can take on a specific association. 
I like to sit up in bed in the mornings, close my eyes and listen before I slide 
slowly into the day. I listen to the birdsong, I see the light changing and I greet 
the day. I am blessed to have another day. What does it mean to follow your bliss? Campbell says you are only to do what you are truly passionate about and 
whatever you are doing should be done passionately .....or not at all. Yes, 
I know, it sounds like cloud cuckoo land. 
Dismiss the idea at your peril! Most of us do not even know what we are 
passionate about any more, we are so bogged down with the shoulds and 
must do’s and must haves. So if you are curious, use that quiet time to ask 
yourself what your life is about, what makes your heart sing and where does 
your bliss lie.

A blessed festive season.
With love
Aneta Shaw

Compassion and Tao

C O M P A S S I O N  a n d  T A O

Whilst researching the San Bao, or ‘Three Treasures’ in Chinese culture and Tao, 
I came across a discourse that resonated deeply. Derek Lin writes on these treasures...
to quote, ‘The essence of Buddha nature is compassion, and as Lao Tzu 
points out in chapter 67 of  the Tao Te Ching, compassion is the source 
of courage. Courage is the source of strength - not the false strength of 
brute force, but the true strength of character and heart.’
I really like that...Compassion flowing into courage...courage flowing into strength. 
Creating a strong and stable character and heart. Compassion...being able to relate, 
to understand and attempt to ease the suffering of all.

Wikipedia has the following to say on compassion:-
Compassion is the emotion that one feels in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help.
The etymology of "compassion" is Latin, meaning "co-suffering." More involved than 
simple empathy, compassion commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate 
another's suffering.
The English noun compassion, meaning to love together with, comes from Latin
Ranked a great virtue in numerous philosophies, compassion is considered in almost 
all the major religious traditions as among the greatest of virtues.

The Tao Te Ching is a classical Chinese text, traditionally credited to the sage, 
Laozi and written around the 6th century BC. Lao Tzu literally translates as 
‘Old Master’. Laozi was a record keeper at the royal court of the Zhou dynasty. 
True authorship and date of composition are debated.
Tao has become a part of the English language and appears in all the major 
dictionaries. Simply translated as ‘The Way’...but meaning vastly more.
There are several translations of the Tao Te Ching. Derek Lin has set a standard 
for his accuracy and ability to capture the lyrical beauty of the original work. 
He was born in Taiwan and grew up fluent in both Chinese and English. 
For more information see www.DerekLin.com

As we transition through the ending of one year, our festive season and beginning 
of a new year...compassion is truly one attribute we can cultivate within and without. 
Infinite compassion. That’s my wish for 2015.

Credits, ‘The Three Treasures of I-Kuan Tao’ by Derek Lin. Wikipedia. Lesley-Ann Green

A Merry Christmas - or A Merry Year???

A Merry Christmas – or A Merry Year???
By Dr Sanien de Beer

As the end of year stress accumulates, everybody is looking forward to the 
day on the calendar which marks the beginning of the summer holiday and 
Festive Season.  Images of golden beaches, sunshine days, tranquil forests 
walks, happy hours with friends and loved ones and of course delicious foods 
fill our minds as a final motivation to just ‘make it’ until the holiday finally arrives.
It may sound like a paradox, but the festive season can also be a time of 
great challenges.  Most people are familiar with the feelings of fatigue 
and burn out which dampens the spirit of the summer holiday and descend on 
you out of the blue.  When understanding that it is only a message from your 
body and mind, interpreting that message correctly and responding to it in an 
appropriate way, it can pave the path for a rejuvenating and restorative holiday!
Neurotransmitters are the chemicals in your brain which conveys messages 
and impulses between nerve cells.  These chemical messengers allow 
communication between cells which are central to memory, learning, 
mood, behaviour, sleep, pain perception and sexual urge. Nutrients in 
food are precursors to neurotransmitters.  The amount of precursors present 
in the food you eat will influence your level of neurotransmitters.  Depleted 
supplies of “feel good” neurotransmitters will in turn undermine your ability 
to feel happy, upbeat, motivated and on track.  Certain neurotransmitters – 
when depleted, can cause you to be easily agitated or angered. It can further 
cause you to experience mild to severe anxiety, depression and even 
sleep problems.
Neurotransmitters are in a constant state of flux – adjusting constantly to 
meet the needs of the current circumstances.  At night, the brain needs to 
raise the level of certain neurotransmitters to bring about a quieting, relaxing 
effect and to induce sleep.  In the morning, it must lower its levels of these 
neurotransmitters and raise excitatory neuro transmitter levels to wake you 
up and give you energy for the day ahead.  Exercise increases levels of 
euphoria inducing neurotransmitters.  During times of stress, levels of 
neurotransmitters must be raised to help you keep calm.  When in 
pain, inhibitory neurotransmitters are used by the brain to restrict the 
transmission of pain. It is thus almost ‘normal’ for the body to have exhausted 
its supply of neurotransmitters by the time the Christmas Holiday arrives…
Nothing replaces the benefits of following a well balanced and nutritious 
eating plan. Nutritional Supplements have their place – but vitality is based 
on a simple truth:  You only get the full benefit of vitamins, minerals and anti 
oxidants if they are concentrated in food and herbal complexes.  Active 
constituents should not be chemically isolated as the body knows how to handle 
real food, but struggles to handle manmade chemicals.  It may be helpful to 
consult with a holistic health care Professional to ensure you are doing all 
you can to optimise your level of neuro transmitters! Sufficiently balanced nutrition 
and neurotransmitters levels give rise to enthusiastic people – people who radiate 
positive energy! It may be one of your best new year’s resolutions to ensure that 
you have optimal neurotransmitters in store! May this holiday season be an 
opportunity for you to fill up your Christmas stocking with Neurotransmitters – 
for you to attract zest and enthusiasm for 2015 – and to make it -

i.move 2015 - Specialized Pilates & Nia Studio

Dear i.move members

Our vision for January 2015 is to become a more specialized Pilates and Nia studio. 
You will find most Pilates and Nia class slots will stay the same, with some exciting 
additional classes now on offer - starting January.
You will be able to attend level specific Pilates to help you progress faster and 
the new classes that we have added to the schedule are - 
Athletic Pilates, Back & Neck specific classes & Pilates Equipment classes 
for our Equipment enthusiasts. We also have exciting plans for Nia next year to 
focus on ways to promote your cardio fitness.
The above changes have come about as we support Lesley (Tai Chi & Qi Gong) 
and Nicola (Zumba & Yoga) in their vision of building their own schools of movement 
from January 2015. These classes will still be held in our studio space but will no 
longer be included in our i.move pricing/memberships - you will need to contact 
Lesley & Nicola directly for these.

Love Jeanne
From January there will be more classes to choose from:
  • Level specific Pilates - Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced & Mixed ability (Mixed ability classes are open for any level to attend)
  • Athletic Pilates - a Pilates based cardio workout that will focus on your fitness & stamina.
  • Back & Neck Pilates - this class will specifically target these problem areas
  • Pilates Equipment-  group classes working with the Pilates machinery / equipment (these classes run on a separate fee structure to the other group classes, and you will need experience on the equipment before start up.)
2015 FEES
There will be no increase in fees for January 2015 - all current pricing will remain 
the same and you can continue as is.

Nothing changes - you are able to continue as is but please note that Tai Chi, 
Qi Gong, Yoga & Zumba will no longer be covered by this/your membership. 
Please speak to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Buy your January membership before 10 December & choose from either:
-a 5 class voucher to gift to a friend (worth R375 & only valid for January) OR
-a 3 hour weekend Pilates workshop voucher ( worth R375 valid for Sat 31 January )

These classes will still  be offered in our studio space, but Lesley & Nicola will be 
running these schools of movement independently of i.move studio. Please speak to 
them directly for class times & pricing. Lesley (082 431 0640) or Nicola (082 339 2171).

Goddess workshop @ Mayfair

Goddess Workshop
Presented by Taryn Hall
demonstration by Corina Avni and Bel Robinson

The workout FOR women, BY women, to EMPOWER women to explore FEMININITY

The Goddess workout provides a safe and non-judgemental space for 
women to reawaken their inner goddess, a time to explore their femininity 
and sensuality and a little time to just play. In today’s world where women 
are bombarded with so many pictures of what a perfect body should look like 
we certainly don’t love ourselves enough. Goddess classes are all about teaching 
women to embrace their gloriousness, to love every inch of their body, to 
celebrate each curve and relish being a 100% pure woman.

The initial warm-up consists of flowing, undulating movements that loosen, 
warm and connect you with your body. The emphasis is on slow, sensual 
movement that fills space, while lengthening and strengthening muscles by 
keeping the movement completely controlled. What is so magnificent about the 
Goddess Workout is that it is designed for women, by women and celebrates 
woman’s bodies and how they are designed to move.

Once the warm-up is complete this is when the real fun starts. Pole dancing has 
moved out of seedy clubs and hit the international exercise scene, 
and while many considered it to be a passing fad, almost a decade down the line, 
pole dancing studios are thriving (with pole dancing now even being considered 
the next new Olympic sport!) The greatest thing about pole dancing is that 
anyone can do it, and it’s not reserved for the skinny or super fit. Actually the more 
curves you have the better the movement looks and the more momentum you 
are likely to have! There is also no wrong or right way to dance, it’s all about self 
expression (and less about getting the moves right) giving you complete 
artistic freedom. So you let your hair down, and dance like no-ones watching
– wow is that exhilarating!

What to remember throughout:

  • Nothing you do is wrong! We offer guidelines, and you have complete 
  • artistic freedom

  • No laughing at anyone else. We don’t say that because we think you will, 
  • but because everyone has that little fear that someone will laugh at them

  • No judging yourself. Let yourself play with movement, and just enjoy

  • Always wear pretty bra and panties!

  • Allow yourself to explore the movements that feel sensual and feminine for you.Everyone is so worried about themselves that they won’t be staring at you.

  • Use your eye line… whatever you look at, your audience will check out as well.

  • If your hair is long, let it down!

  • Let your whole body get involved with the movement… hair, shoulders, eye line, hips, arms, and toes

  • All movements are slow, deliberate, controlled, and sensual

  • Celebrate those curves and take some time to really enjoy your body!

Workshop layout:

  • Floor work – the goddess warm-up

  • Walking and standing transitions


  • Wall work

  • Pole work
- demo from the girls
- learn key swings and fillers that make up a full dance routine