Thursday, November 27, 2014

The still place within December 2014

The still place within December 2014

As the end of the year speeds towards us at a frightening pace.....
or am I imagining is good to take a moment and reflect on what is 
really important in our lives.  We are so good at doing, at following a routine, 
at serving our bosses and masters.  Ha! Money is also a master, right?
We grow tired, we become numb. Before that little voice that wants to throw the 
alarm clock across the room and slip back into sleep, dies completely, listen up. 
That little voice knows what we need. If you cannot kill the alarm, at least build 
some rest into your day.
Joseph Campbell, the master of myths, and the man who encouraged each of 
his students to follow their bliss, talks about the still place within us. Without being 
able to access that place within, we are not anchored in our lives. That still place is 
also a place that cannot be violated, it is too private, too deep within each of us. 
When we visit that place we become aware of how we are one, how we are 
connected to all that exists on this planet and to our Creator. 
We owe it to ourselves to become quiet, at least once a day, with no agenda other 
than just being, just sitting with ourselves and noticing what happens next. At first 
it might not be much, but as you persevere, you may become entranced at the 
richness of your inner life. Joseph advocated a special room for this private time! 
I do not think many of us have the luxury. However we can all find a quiet corner somewhere which can take on a specific association. 
I like to sit up in bed in the mornings, close my eyes and listen before I slide 
slowly into the day. I listen to the birdsong, I see the light changing and I greet 
the day. I am blessed to have another day. What does it mean to follow your bliss? Campbell says you are only to do what you are truly passionate about and 
whatever you are doing should be done passionately .....or not at all. Yes, 
I know, it sounds like cloud cuckoo land. 
Dismiss the idea at your peril! Most of us do not even know what we are 
passionate about any more, we are so bogged down with the shoulds and 
must do’s and must haves. So if you are curious, use that quiet time to ask 
yourself what your life is about, what makes your heart sing and where does 
your bliss lie.

A blessed festive season.
With love
Aneta Shaw