Thursday, November 27, 2014

Goddess workshop @ Mayfair

Goddess Workshop
Presented by Taryn Hall
demonstration by Corina Avni and Bel Robinson

The workout FOR women, BY women, to EMPOWER women to explore FEMININITY

The Goddess workout provides a safe and non-judgemental space for 
women to reawaken their inner goddess, a time to explore their femininity 
and sensuality and a little time to just play. In today’s world where women 
are bombarded with so many pictures of what a perfect body should look like 
we certainly don’t love ourselves enough. Goddess classes are all about teaching 
women to embrace their gloriousness, to love every inch of their body, to 
celebrate each curve and relish being a 100% pure woman.

The initial warm-up consists of flowing, undulating movements that loosen, 
warm and connect you with your body. The emphasis is on slow, sensual 
movement that fills space, while lengthening and strengthening muscles by 
keeping the movement completely controlled. What is so magnificent about the 
Goddess Workout is that it is designed for women, by women and celebrates 
woman’s bodies and how they are designed to move.

Once the warm-up is complete this is when the real fun starts. Pole dancing has 
moved out of seedy clubs and hit the international exercise scene, 
and while many considered it to be a passing fad, almost a decade down the line, 
pole dancing studios are thriving (with pole dancing now even being considered 
the next new Olympic sport!) The greatest thing about pole dancing is that 
anyone can do it, and it’s not reserved for the skinny or super fit. Actually the more 
curves you have the better the movement looks and the more momentum you 
are likely to have! There is also no wrong or right way to dance, it’s all about self 
expression (and less about getting the moves right) giving you complete 
artistic freedom. So you let your hair down, and dance like no-ones watching
– wow is that exhilarating!

What to remember throughout:

  • Nothing you do is wrong! We offer guidelines, and you have complete 
  • artistic freedom

  • No laughing at anyone else. We don’t say that because we think you will, 
  • but because everyone has that little fear that someone will laugh at them

  • No judging yourself. Let yourself play with movement, and just enjoy

  • Always wear pretty bra and panties!

  • Allow yourself to explore the movements that feel sensual and feminine for you.Everyone is so worried about themselves that they won’t be staring at you.

  • Use your eye line… whatever you look at, your audience will check out as well.

  • If your hair is long, let it down!

  • Let your whole body get involved with the movement… hair, shoulders, eye line, hips, arms, and toes

  • All movements are slow, deliberate, controlled, and sensual

  • Celebrate those curves and take some time to really enjoy your body!

Workshop layout:

  • Floor work – the goddess warm-up

  • Walking and standing transitions


  • Wall work

  • Pole work
- demo from the girls
- learn key swings and fillers that make up a full dance routine