T A I C H I a n d A R T H R I T I S
This Monday past, Jeanne and myself presented a talk and interactive demonstration at the year end Arthritis Foundation gathering here at Vergelegen Medi-Clinic. We were invited by Aletta van der Walt of the Arthritis Foundation.
Jeanne introduced the attendants to the Mayfair Wellness concept and spoke about the group of in house practitioners and her vision for health, including the i.move studio and the modalities available.
My presentation was on Tai Chi and the benefits relating to those suffering from Arthritis. Below is a short excerpt from the article written for their next publication:-
‘Through the spiralling movements the Qi (or intrinsic energy) permeates right into the joints. Communication throughout the body is enhanced. Blood, oxygen and fluids flow where needed. One of the major effects of Tai Chi is the improvement and regulation of the movement of all bodily fluids - blood, lymph, synovial fluid (between the joints), cerebrospinal fluid (within the spinal column) and interstitial fluid (between the cells).’
Tai Chi has been proved to be one of the most beneficial movement forms for any joint injuries. If there are any queries, just pop in and join a class.
Lesley-Ann Green