Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Jean Degenaar  (Certified BodyTalk Practitioner) 
What is the purpose of our emotions?
Our emotions are meant to be felt, expressed, and released. They are information about our environment, our experience and ourselves. Healthy emotions have health benefits. For example without grief, we linger in the sadness of loss. Grieving is the process of letting go of what is past so that we can make room in our hearts and minds for new life and new experiences. Physical and mental symptoms arise when we are not expressing our emotions optimally. In our need to be accepted and feel safe, we repress our emotions which distorts them and they then become reactionary emotions. At some point these unresolved and repressed emotional issues will be triggered by an experience in life and we will over-react to the new experience because of the filter of our past pain that we are unconsciously looking through. Since this is typically an unconscious process and because of that we don’t understand our over-reaction and its connections to the past, we focus on blaming the current person or experience. This means our wound is unacknowledged and goes unhealed; only to be detonated again at a later time. These stored emotions deplete the organs, endocrines, and body-parts associated with it, leading to disfunction or disease. 

How do you know if you are expressing your emotions healthily?
If you experience emotional discomfort in reaction to a situation and this discomfort lingers, you are being shown you have an unresolved issue stored within you. Your level of functioning and harmony within yourself are good indicators of how healthy your relationship is with your emotions.

What can you do to release unprocessed emotions?
 Fortunately there are some very good modalities out there to help people release unprocessed emotions. BodyTalk is one of these modalities which will help to get to the source of the emotional imbalance on a subconscious level and through tapping, release the emotional charge and bring balance back to the body/mind.