Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Pauli Geldenhuis
Counseling Psychologist –
Experiencing (SE) is a naturalistic approach to the understanding and healing
of trauma. It was developed by Peter A. Levine over the past 40 years and
taught throughout the world. I am in the very privileged position of being one
of 45 therapists to be trained in SE for the first time in South Africa. This
approach complements the other areas of specialty I have been trained in namely
Hypnotherapy and Eye Movement Integration [EMI] as well as Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy [CBT].
SE is a
clinical methodology based upon an appreciation of why animals in the wild are
not traumatized by routine threats to their lives while humans, on the other
hand, are readily overwhelmed and traumatized. Fortunately, the very same
instincts (and related survival based brain systems) that are involved in the
formation of trauma symptoms can be enlisted in the transformation and healing
of trauma. Therapeutically, this “instinct to heal” and self-regulate is
engaged through the awareness of body sensations that contradict those of
paralysis and helplessness, and which restore resilience, equilibrium and
human responses to potential threat vary so greatly, it is difficult to identify
or classify sources of trauma. Most people associate trauma with events like
war, violence, extremes of physical, emotional or sexual abuse, crippling
accidents, or natural disasters. However, many ''ordinary'' or seemingly benign
events can also be traumatic. For example, so-called minor automobile
“whiplash'' accidents frequently lead to bewildering and debilitating physical,
emotional, and psychological symptoms. Common invasive medical procedures and
surgeries (particularly those performed on frightened children who are
restrained while being anesthetized), can be profoundly traumatizing. Somatic
Experiencing utilizes basic tools (and “building blocks”) but also works
differentially with various sources of trauma.
These diverse categories
• Medical: Hospitalizations, surgeries, invasive medical procedures, anaesthesia, burns, poisoning, fetal distress and traumatic birth.
• Accidents: Falls, high impact accidents (including auto accidents), head injury, electrocution.
• Suffocation: Drowning, strangulation.
• Attack: Rape, war, bombings, physical abuse, mugging, molestation, physical injury, stabbing, gunshot wounds, animal attacks.
• Natural and man-made disasters: Earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, floods, terrorism, dislocation from the natural world and community.
• Horror: Seeing an accident (especially with blood, gore and dismemberment), watching someone else being abused, raped, killed or tortured, killing or hurting someone.
• Developmental: Neglect, abandonment, loss and ongoing abuse.
• Torture, repeated rape and systematic abuse
• Medical: Hospitalizations, surgeries, invasive medical procedures, anaesthesia, burns, poisoning, fetal distress and traumatic birth.
• Accidents: Falls, high impact accidents (including auto accidents), head injury, electrocution.
• Suffocation: Drowning, strangulation.
• Attack: Rape, war, bombings, physical abuse, mugging, molestation, physical injury, stabbing, gunshot wounds, animal attacks.
• Natural and man-made disasters: Earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, floods, terrorism, dislocation from the natural world and community.
• Horror: Seeing an accident (especially with blood, gore and dismemberment), watching someone else being abused, raped, killed or tortured, killing or hurting someone.
• Developmental: Neglect, abandonment, loss and ongoing abuse.
• Torture, repeated rape and systematic abuse
SE is a non-invasive and hugely effective
intervention in the treatment of trauma and its impact is profound, be it a few
days after the traumatic experience or many years later. Please do not hesitate
to contact PAULI GELDENHUIS at the Mayfair Centre for further information.