Monday, November 25, 2013

Amazing Benefits of Nia


  • Increases the pleasure of living in your body
  • Creates weight loss and proper weight maintenance
  • Strengthens, tones and defines muscles
  • Calms the mind and relieves stress
  • Improves endurance
  • Improves and increases balance, flexibility and agility
  • Balances the autonomic nervous system
  • Improves posture
  • Improves organ function, particularly heart and lungs
  • Enhances sensory awareness
  • Heightens sexual function
  • Builds reservoirs of chi
  • Alleviates emotional problems including: depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and anger management issues
  • Improves circulation of blood
  • Improves lymphatic drainage
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves concentration and cognitive function


Nia is a workout, lifestyle and personal growth program.  More than a physical fitness or weight loss program, Nia is a way to condition, heal and transform your body, mind, emotions and spirit.  Nia is a system that blends Eastern and Western movements, concepts and philosophy derived from three main movement forms: Martial Arts (mindful precision), Dance Arts (personal expression) and Healing Arts (self-healing). The philosophy of Nia is based on the pleasure principle: If it feels good, keep doing it; if it hurts, stop and adapt what you do to feel better.
"Nia is like cholcolate.  You can't describe it - you have to taste it"