The Science of Neuroplasticity and Ageless Grace®
21 Simple Tools for Lifelong Comfort and Ease™ - Anti-Aging Exercises
That Almost Anyone – of Any Age – Can Do!™
This introductory educational program introduces
all ages and all abilities to the 21 Simple Tools for Lifelong Comfort and
Ease™ of Ageless Grace®. Each tool addresses a primary factor that causes
aging in the body — each tool provides many secondary fitness benefits — all 21
tools stimulate and utilize the five areas of the brain – analytical,
strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall and creativity and imagination!
Ageless Grace® works by re-opening the neural
pathways that were created from the time you were born until approximately the
age of 21 years old. Functional and
cognitive skills were developed through typical childhood games, sports and
activities that are now no longer “practiced” as adults. The 21 Tools of Ageless Grace® re-open those
pathways and, equally important, create new ones by practicing functional
movements we don’t already know how to do.
Practicing, remembering and learning these simple
skills allow positive results to come surprisingly quickly – much like
remembering how to ride a bicycle after many years. These aspects of movement practice combine as
the process of neuroplasticity, (the ability of the brain and nervous system to change structurally and functionally), and are
vital to active aging and youthful function.
The movement Tools of Ageless Grace® are organic
rather than choreographed, and focus on using the core to stimulate cognitive
function and physical function simultaneously. The Tools are practiced using a
chair for stability and range of motion.
This allows all ages and abilities of seniors to practice it, as well as
baby boomers, young adults, those with weight, joint, diabetes and other
challenges, those in wheelchairs or with other physical limitations — and kids
absolutely love it! It also provides a great multigenerational program
for grandparents, adult children and grandchildren to share.
Ageless Grace® is a profound body of work that provides amazing results in all ages — yet it simple to learn, playful, easy to do - and FUN! It may change the model of aging in America – and the world! - and change the quality of function in your own future.
Presented by the Founder and Creator of Ageless
Grace®, Denise Medved, who spent 7 years with a Duke–affiliated hospital and a
university graduate department to develop this creative approach to aging. She was an International Nia Technique
Trainer for 15 years, has been teaching Nia for 26 years, is a Certified
Personal Trainer, tai chi and feng shui instructor, and was in the corporate
marketing and PR world for 29 years with Fortune 1000 companies.