Thursday, August 28, 2014

Are men scared of Pilates

Are Men Afraid Of Pilates?

written by a man:

Most men love sports, which requires strength, flexibility, stability and balance—
so why aren’t more men flocking to Pilates studios? It’s been 17 years since I began 
teaching Pilates and 10 years since I opened my own studio, and during that time only 
one thing’s been missing: men. I’ve taught Pilates to men, including a few professional 
athletes, however, I think many studio owners will agree that women vastly outnumber 
men as clients.

Until recently, Pilates was a well-kept secret among professional athletes. I recently 
taught two high school kids who were enthusiastic about taking Pilates because 
they learned that many NFL players are required to use it (using the Reformer, 
which I believe makes the workout safer and more effective) as part of their workout 

So if macho men who are paid millions to play football can do Pilates, I wonder…
Why aren’t more men taking advantage of this exercise? Do they acquaint Pilates 
with ballet or do they consider it too “feminine?” Do they hear that it strengthens 
their core and increases flexibility and think, I’ve got a six pack and who wants to 
be flexible? Has our industry done a poor job of communicating the significant 
benefits of the exercises created by Joseph Pilates?

I was once a skeptic as well. When I was in my early 20s, I lived in Miami where 
I taught kickboxing, weight training and gymnastics. Needless to say, I thought 
I was in great shape. A friend of mine who was a ballet dancer was taking Pilates 
classes. I watched a class and thought, that’s for girls—it’s a little stretching thing. 
My friend convinced me to take a class and you know the rest of the story: that class 
kicked my butt! I fell in love with the Pilates exercises that provided strength and flexibility, 
along with balance, joint stability and body awareness.

I began taking classes while still nursing a nagging back injury and little by little, 
the injury went away. I began studying for certifications and along the way got into 
the best shape of my life. Pilates has changed my body physically, and has changed 
my life mentally and spiritually, and I want to share that with everyone…from children 
to adults, to men and women, to professional athletes or office desk jockeys.

So how can a regular Pilates class benefit any man? Well, to begin with, it’s one of 
the best ways I know to improve your physique or your game, whether it’s hockey, 
basketball, baseball, running, golf or cycling. Among my former clients are an 
Olympic skier, two tennis playing sisters of international fame, and probably the 
world’s best-known golfer. He knew Pilates would increase his flexibility and range 
of motion and help prevent injuries during a long pro tour—and the results have 
made sports history time and again.

Like all Pilates instructors know, this golfer realized that most pain and injuries are the 
result of muscle imbalance and a lack of flexibility. For example, too often men train their 
upper bodies, and that creates muscle imbalance and misalignment, which can lead to 
injury. Pilates is one of the best methods I know of for preventing balancing muscles, 
aligning the body and preventing injury. For that reason alone, men should be running 
to their nearest Pilates studio. I’ve trained NBA players because they knew that 
stabilizing their hip and knee joints is critical to their performance on the court, 
not to mention the increased range of motion they experienced.

In our studio, we can train clients for a specific sport, however, by following the Pilates principles of moving with stability to engage the appropriate muscles, enhance body awareness, strengthen the core and increase balance and agility, we engage the 
entire body from the head to the tips of the toes.

The men I work with say Pilates is without exception the best exercise they’ve 
ever done. When they first experience it, they are surprised it is so challenging, 
and how good they feel after the workout. For example, one of my clients, a former 
baseball player, was so stiff he could not put on his shoes and socks without difficulty 
and discomfort. After just five sessions, he was able to bend over with no discomfort 
and slept without pain for the first time in 10 years.

In fact, many of the men I work with come to me as a last resort before surgery, 
but if they were coming in during their athletic years, they might be able to prevent 
the injuries that lead to pain and surgery. I’m glad to see that Pilates is finally being 
recognized in the rehabilitation field. For so long, most doctors trying to help people 
recover from their injuries didn’t have much body awareness themselves.

If you are a man who is looking for a full-body workout that’s going to build more 
muscle fiber and strength while increasing your flexibility, mobility, joint stability and 
the ability to move with ease in every range of motion, I encourage you to be 
open-minded and give Pilates a try. Try different studios and different styles until 
you find the right fit.

Go into it with no expectations and you might be pleasantly surprised. When you look 
for a Pilates instructor, check out their background and ask questions. Make sure they 
hold a national certification for Pilates, and find out how long they have been teaching. 
Once you give Pilates a try, I believe that like most of my clients, you might just find 
yourself hooked on this not-for-women-only exercise philosophy.

by: Ariel Hernandez

Ariel is the owner and director of Fusion Fitness USA Pilates. Born in South Miami 
Beach, Florida, Ariel has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years. As soon as he 
was old enough, Ariel became a personal trainer and within 2 years he was running the personal training and aerobic dance programs of several gyms in Miami. With experience 
in dance and gymnastics and over 10 years tenure as a PHI Master Pilates Teacher, 
Ariel has expanded his certifications and training methods to include all forms of 
corrective modalities. Ariel is a PMA certified Pilates Teacher.