The Fairy Godmother will be hosting a Talk at Mayfair Wellness
Saturday the 6th of September 2014
15:00 - 16:00
Here is a little bit more information about Donna McCallum aka The Fairy Godmother.
Over the past eight years Donna has helped over 10 000 people get clear on their Dreams, Goals and Vision for their lives and has helped and supported them to make it happen. Her talks, workshops, retreats, online programs, books and community have aided people in shifting and transforming themselves and living lives they love. Donna has done workshops in South Africa, the UK, Germany and the USA and has people from 15 countries doing her programmes.
Due to her success in helping people with their dreams, their finances, starting businesses, overcoming their fears and moving into self - love, she has become a regular media expert. Donna has two regular weekly radio appearances on Radio 2000 and East Coast radio and featured every month month on a host of radio stations, TV programmes and magazines articles.