Build your Bones and a Better Future
Many of us in the under-50 age range think about bone health as a concern for our
grandmothers or our mothers, but rarely for ourselves. I did too, until I was
diagnosed with osteoporosis in my late 20s.
Its more common now that young women are discovering that they have
vitamin D deficiencies and other health concerns that can lead to low bone mass
at an early age.
Moreover, bone loss begins in our mid-30s, clearly marking bone health as an issue
not unique to an older population!
So what can we do to halt bone loss, prevent osteoporosis, and avoid the devastating
falls and potential fractures that occur especially later in life? Take action now!
Here’s your plan:
Educate yourself on matters of bone health (you’re already starting!).
Ensure you get the proper bone mineralization from food and supplementation.
More than just calcium and Vitamin D, your body needs a host of other vitamins
and minerals including vitamin K, B and C as well as magnesium, manganese,
boron, copper, zinc and silicon – most of which you can obtain from food!
(Our inhouse Doctor Sanien de Beer, who is a Nutritionist, can also assist and consult
with you on this.)
Minimize bone-depleting foods that are high in sugar (as well as all colas – even the
diet ones!) and reduce consumption of animal protein. Acidifying foods foster an
environment in the body for bone breakdown, leeching calcium from your bones.
--- we all know that Sugar is a culprit for many things.
Increase critical weight-bearing, resistance and impact exercise. Bone is living
tissue and responds to the demands of these types of exercise by fortifying itself. –
You can increase your classes at i.move…or chat to me, Jeanne, directly and I
would gladly consult with you.
Practice good posture and alignment. When your skeleton is aligned you
faciliate bone strengthening. You also improve muscle function which is essential
to good bone health and better balance. (Pilates & Yoga)
Improve your balance skills. Falls are a major cause of fractures and most falls are
preventable by improving balance and reflexes. Think hips, feet, trunk, shoulders –
it all comes into play. (All i.move classes)
Reduce stress. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol are known to weaken
the bones. Depression has also been linked with low bone density. So find something
every day to lighten your spirits!
Spread the word to inform others on the importance of bone safety. Most people
aren’t aware of these simple acts that can, literally, make a world of difference.
Tell your loved ones, your clients, and your community why and how we need to
protect our bones for life. Share this article and these simple steps and empower
those around you for a better future of stronger skeletons!
Monthly we also have an Osteoporosis test available to you. Chat to Kim about the
next upcoming appointment if you would like to make a booking
May this serve as a motivator and for some of you as a confirmation that what you
are doing is serving your body ; ).
Warm regards Jeanne