Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tai Chi & China Trip

I would like to thank everyone at i.move studio, Mayfair Wellness and all locally who assisted me in joining the Tai Chi tour to China in September.
Your support and love went with me. The journey was deeply profound on many levels and I can only hope that it will be a step in an ongoing association with China. And, that it will be shared in the classes I share and teach.
Watch our press for details of any upcoming events...and once again
a deep and heartfelt, 'Xiexie'...Lesley


T A I   C H I
Taijiquan or Tai Chi is an internal martial art of ancient Chinese origin. 
It is known amongst martial arts as the 'supreme ultimate.' Today Tai Chi 
is taught predominantly for it's numerous health benefits. This art differs from 
the majority of movement forms as it works from the inside out. The focus is 
on postural alignment, relaxation and internal cultivation. This cultivation teaches practitioners to function on a physical level with the body moving as an integrated 
whole. Tai Chi is often likened to a 'moving meditation' and when observing a 
group of students practicing together, this can be seen and felt. When mind 
and body are relaxed, students move with seeming effortlessness and grace. 
The movements are practiced slowly, with intention, focus and concentration. 
Each movement flows continuously into the next.
Through the alignment of the posture, the stress on the body is minimized. 
The joints are strengthened and health professionals recommend Tai Chi as 
a good weight bearing regime. Strain on the internal organs is lessened. 
One doesn't sweat in Tai Chi, it's a low impact, supportive system. We learn
 how to utilize our energy efficiently. Through the movements, the cardiovascular 
system is strengthened. The breathing deepens and more oxygen is available. 
Circulation is enhanced, as is cellular function. The mind and emotions become 
calm, which in turn helps us to cope with the challenges of daily life.
Regular practice enhances vitality and a sense of wellbeing. Balance and flexibility 
improve. Blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and digestion settle. This, in turn is beneficial for weight gain or loss. Insomnia sufferers find their sleep improves. 
Headaches go away. Depression and anxiety ease. With continued practice 
memory improves. Tai Chi maintains health, working preventatively by improving 
the function of the immune system. It assists in healing after injury or illness and 
helps regulate hormonal fluctuation.Traditionally, it is taught, one becomes older, 
wiser and stronger through the study and practice of Tai Chi.Philosophically, 
the whole concept of Tai Chi is cyclical, round and natural. The cycles of nature. 
The shape of the earth. Birth and death. Yin and Yang. Tai Chi is about the 
subtle balance between opposites. Understanding ourselves. Qi (pronunciation chee
is the body's intrinsic energy or life force, which permeates all. Tai Chi students 
learn about this in themselves.Tai Chi is one of the fastest growing and most popular 
arts worldwide. From the east it has spread to Europe and America. There are 6 styles, the 3 most popular being Chen, Yang and Wu. South Africa is privileged to have masters from several lineages resident and teaching here. If you are looking into learning Tai Chi, be sure that the teacher has proficient knowledge and certification. Most importantly, meet them, talk to them and feel comfortable with them. Advise them of any injuries or medical conditions. What one invests in learning, one gains and Tai Chi does take discipline, patience and persistence. Good health and a sense of wellbeing are true wealth. The meditative, internal aspect brings greater awareness and mental clarity. Tai Chi functions across many levels, from the physical, to the mental, emotional and ultimately spiritual. It all depends on individual focus.

Why try Tai Chi? To truly understand Tai Chi and its benefits we need to feel what it feels like to the body. Our clients have benefited with hormonal imbalances, depression, older women in transitional years and many other concerns that we may face on a daily basis. So we would like to invite to have the opportunity to see how Tai chi can assist your processes in and on your life journey.