Wednesday, July 31, 2013


It is an exciting time to embrace change

Change is to go on creating endlessly. Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches letting us grow and reach new heights.

With the re launch and re-branding , Mayfair rooted into its own identity with a vision statement to enable it to continue the momentum of going forward open to change for the betterment of every aspect of the house and its team. This means continuing refining  admin; teachers keeping up their pace with international standards and the therapists/practitioners staying in touch with the advancement and research within their modalities.

Change also means people moving on. Although we are sad to say good bye to 3 of our therapist we are at the same time excited for them. Philip, our Chiropractor will be embarking on an exciting journey to practice in Holland. Jean and Melanie will also be on their way at the end of this month. I would like to wish them all the best and thank them for their great contribution to Mayfair.

During the past year Roxy became an integral part of Mayfair. She is a young girl capable of someone beyond her years. She held her head high at front of house and so often made Mayfair her top priority. She is deservedly off to prepare for her studies (yet we hope to have her do some work with us where she can) and I want to say a special thanks for her amazing input. “ Toodles  and best wishes”.

With excitement we welcome Vanessa Weyers (Africology). And to front desk we welcome Kim Cadle and JC van der Merwe. We look forward to this new journey and I know each of you will really enjoy meeting each new 'Addition' to Mayfair.

Warm regards