Sunday, July 28, 2013

Share Mayfair's 'vision - statement'

What does Mayfair stand for?

Besides our vision of 'community'...
We are dedicated to empower each of our clients with the understanding of
...the value of preventative medicine/treatment
...conscious lifestyle choices - which are unique to each person.(encouraging you to start to understand your body more, we have testing modalities to help you understand...your alignment, blood reading, stress levels, cortisol levels, and your overall state of being.
...understanding that lifestyle choices include consideration of your mental/emotional + your physical world
...the amazing benefits of synergistic treatments
...all the above =
Synergy - making Mayfair unique!  ‘Synergistic treatments’ where 1+1 = 3 (the sum of the part are greater that the sum of the individual components).

What makes Mayfair different?/What we strive for at Mayfair.

Walking into our door we hope you will sense... - our interest is in YOUR needs and concerns. 
...openness - any therapist you speak to can help you assess what is best for you.
...approachable - we are there to answer your questions and are willing to chat to you so that you can make the best decision for your health & wellness.
...collaboration – sharing our ‘secret’ with you = combination therapy. Over time we have learnt how powerful and exciting the combination therapies have been to/for our clients’ health. work & spirit - a sense of care & homeliness.
...dedication - dedicated to remain at the forefront of knowledge in the health and wellness industry, aswell as improving the runnings of the center and the service we offer you.
...YOU can do it - making health and wellness attainable and ‘maintainable’ and an understanding thereof. (It’s important to empower YOU to understand and be able to trust your understanding of your body.)