Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kirtan and sound journey


An afternoon of devotional chants and healing sound scapes

Chris Tokalon and Maya Haripal

An afternoon of fun, transformation and upliftment, using voice and sound. Join Chris Tokalon and Maya Haripal - musicians and sound therapists for an afternoon of vocal meditation, singing mantras and a sound journey

Saturday 10th May - 2pm - 4.30pm
Mayfair Wellness, Nr 3 Bright Street, Somerset West

Bring a cushion and yoga mat to lie/sit on. Mantra guide sheets are provided. Bring snacks to share as a 'prasad' (offering) which everyone will share at the end.
R150 contribution

Enquiries: maya@divinegurus.com or
Bookings: Mayfair Wellness:
0218517037 or info@mayfairwellness.co.za

Pre-booking essential, Only Advance Payments secure your place!
Concessions available on request.