Sunday, May 4, 2014

Your Health focus for Autumn

A U T U M N   H E A L T H

In Autumn, our bodies gather energy for the colder months ahead. Yang energy is dominant in summer, but as the seasons turn, yin grows. Yin energy is more internal, introspective & still. Our emphasis shifts to nourishing & nurturing...supporting our systems (the internal organs, fluids & blood).

As the temperature drops, our diet & exercise regime changes. It is time to begin warming the body from within to work with the differences in the external environment.

The organs associated with Autumn are the lungs. Expansiveness is a quality associated with healthy lung qi. Lung qi gathers & maintains strength. It also regulates the wei qi, or defensive qi in the body (basically a strong immune system) The lungs relate to the skin...our first line of defense. If wei qi is weak, one is prey to every cold, cough & flu going around. One notices, too, that as the weather changes the skin can become drier. We can combat this with adding more natural oils to our diet.

The large intestine, or colon is the partner organ to the lungs & releases that which we no longer have need of from our systems.

At Mayfair we offer an integrated approach to health as we transition through the seasons. It is beneficial to keep moving through the transition & not to stagnate. At i.move studio, the importance of warming, strengthening & mindful exercise is taught by all our instructors. A great addition to your exercise regime are our Qi Gong classes. Qi Gong is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine & is specifically taught for it’s health benefits. Consult with out in-house Doctor Sanien De Beer about Phytotherapeutic tinctures that can support you during seasonal change. You can get many of the oils you need to hydrate your skin from Marissa at Basic Stock. Revive your skin from the outside with Africology’s nourishing range. See our June i.move Schedule for our newly added Breath & Relaxation classes. All our practitioners are on hand to assist as a part of the Mayfair team. Each one offers a unique & supportive therapy to aid sustainable health & vitality through Autumn.

Lesley-Ann Green
Acupuncturist, Tai Chi & Qi Gong teacher