Join us for a funfilled session, introducing you to the Nia foundation movements and allow your body to experience what Nia 'feels' like.
25th October, 9am - 10am.
FREE class
Booking essential as there is limited space: Contact 021 8517037/ to book your space.
Our only request: honour your booking ; )
For those keen to feel more equipped before attending our Nia intro class: Some advice and some easy steps to a generally healthier you
Wear cool, loose fitting clothing—exercise or yoga
clothing, leotard and footless tights, full skirt, shorts or anything that
makes you feel comfortable and free to move.
Go barefooted. The bottoms of
your feet sense the ground and send information back to your brain so your body
can effectively compensate and adapt. For your safety, take off your shoes or
wear soft-soled shoes to uphold the move-ability of your foot.
Start easy. Follow "level
one" movements, or focus only on the leg motions, adding arm motions when
you are ready. Build intensity gradually. Let your body slowly acclimate and
adjust to Nia movement. Allow yourself the freedom to enjoy being a beginner.
Nia is different—it is meant to teach you about you, physically and
emotionally and to challenge your nervous system. The best approach: keep your interest and fascination up and your criticism and
judgment down. Be gentle, be patient and allow yourself to move through levels
and stay on plateaus. This is the way to master and enjoy anything!
Don't force a motion. Don't strain.
Strive for a balance between control and relaxation as you listen to your
body's signals. Move in a smooth, lightly relaxed way that doesn't make you
breathless or overly fatigued. If your body does not relate well to a movement, adjust
and move within your own challenge and comfort zone. This puts positive, loving
information into the muscle memory.
Get in as much non-stop movement as possible. Find a rhythmic,
easy pace, working slower and longerrather than faster and harder.
Make the movements an expression of you. This is your
workout. Express your own unique rhythm and body language through the Nia
Technique. Your emotional body will help to fine-tune your physical body,and
vice versa. Be jazzy, be luscious, lyrical, snappy, or sensually smooth. But most
of all, passionately be yourself and have fun!
Use "belly breathing." As your body
opens, inhale. As your body closes, exhale. When you inhale, first feel your
belly expand, then your ribs laterally expand, and then your chest and clavicle
rise. Exhale to contract your abdominals and to round the spine. Let go freely
with hearty "Hai" exhalations to tone your abdominals and protect
your back during kicks and punches. Breathing is one of the most effective ways
to strengthen and relax your body, mind, and spirit, so don't hold back!
Move the way you walk—by using your whole body. Lead with your
heel when stepping forward or to the side, gently rolling onto the ball of your
foot and then pushing off to change directions. Step back onto the ball of your
foot, keeping your knees soft and your heel high as you lower your bodyweight
to a point of comfort in the muscle and joint. Avoid stepping back with a
locked and rigid leg.
Keep your spine lengthened. Stay upright, from
the crown of your head, down through your spine into your tail bone. Imagine a
tiny weight at the end of your tail bone and a ray of light streaming upward
through the crown of your head. Always let your spine remain soft and flexible,
like a willow tree. Eventually you'll learn to move from the energy center of
your body, which is two inches below your navel.
Use your arms to express your feelings, emotions,
or mood. Using your arms can elevate heart-rate, so be careful not to over do
it. To maintain comfort, work in a range of motion that allows you to feel
balanced and in control. Generate arm movements from the core of your body and
keep your joints relaxed and fluid to obtain definition. If you feel tension
building in your shoulders, shake out your arms and hands to release the tension.
Add your arms back into your movement when you feel ready.
Draw your knee up toward your chest before you kick
out. Always kick at a level where you can lengthen your spine and maintain
control, comfort, and balance. Feel for a stretch along the back of the leg and
spine as you kick.
Protect your knees. On sinking
motions, periodically lift your toes to keep your knees safely aligned over
your feet and to keep your calves engaged. As you lower your body weight, feel
your buttocks naturally move back behind you to avoid pressing your knees to
the front.
For a complimentary thought and healthy YOU. Combine a good diet with internal and external
exercise to balance your fitness program. With enough sleep,
proper nutrition, and exercise, you will see and feel results far beyond
changing the shape of your body. Reducing the amounts of salt, sugar, fats, red
meats, and refined and processed foods will cleanse your body and strengthen
your internal fitness. Having healthy organs and a system that functions
optimally will give you more energy to do everything you want. Your skin will
glow, you will sleep better, your cells will be nourished, and you will feel
excited about living!