Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nia introduction 25th October

Join us for a funfilled session, introducing you to the Nia foundation movements and allow your body to experience what Nia 'feels' like.

25th October, 9am - 10am.
FREE class
Booking essential as there is limited space: Contact 021 8517037/ to book your space. 
Our only request: honour your booking ; )

For those keen to feel more equipped before attending our Nia intro class: Some advice and some easy steps to a generally healthier you

Wear cool, loose fitting clothing—exercise or yoga clothing, leotard and footless tights, full skirt, shorts or anything that makes you feel comfortable and free to move.
Go barefooted. The bottoms of your feet sense the ground and send information back to your brain so your body can effectively compensate and adapt. For your safety, take off your shoes or wear soft-soled shoes to uphold the move-ability of your foot.

Start easy. Follow "level one" movements, or focus only on the leg motions, adding arm motions when you are ready. Build intensity gradually. Let your body slowly acclimate and adjust to Nia movement. Allow yourself the freedom to enjoy being a beginner. Nia is different—it is meant to teach you about you, physically and emotionally and to challenge your nervous system. The best approach: keep your interest and fascination up and your criticism and judgment down. Be gentle, be patient and allow yourself to move through levels and stay on plateaus. This is the way to master and enjoy anything! 

Don't force a motion. Don't strain. Strive for a balance between control and relaxation as you listen to your body's signals. Move in a smooth, lightly relaxed way that doesn't make you breathless or overly fatigued. If your body does not relate well to a movement, adjust and move within your own challenge and comfort zone. This puts positive, loving information into the muscle memory. 

Get in as much non-stop movement as possible. Find a rhythmic, easy pace, working slower and longerrather than faster and harder.
Make the movements an expression of you. This is your workout. Express your own unique rhythm and body language through the Nia Technique. Your emotional body will help to fine-tune your physical body,and vice versa. Be jazzy, be luscious, lyrical, snappy, or sensually smooth. But most of all, passionately be yourself and have fun! 

Use "belly breathing." As your body opens, inhale. As your body closes, exhale. When you inhale, first feel your belly expand, then your ribs laterally expand, and then your chest and clavicle rise. Exhale to contract your abdominals and to round the spine. Let go freely with hearty "Hai" exhalations to tone your abdominals and protect your back during kicks and punches. Breathing is one of the most effective ways to strengthen and relax your body, mind, and spirit, so don't hold back! 

Move the way you walk—by using your whole body. Lead with your heel when stepping forward or to the side, gently rolling onto the ball of your foot and then pushing off to change directions. Step back onto the ball of your foot, keeping your knees soft and your heel high as you lower your bodyweight to a point of comfort in the muscle and joint. Avoid stepping back with a locked and rigid leg. 

Keep your spine lengthened. Stay upright, from the crown of your head, down through your spine into your tail bone. Imagine a tiny weight at the end of your tail bone and a ray of light streaming upward through the crown of your head. Always let your spine remain soft and flexible, like a willow tree. Eventually you'll learn to move from the energy center of your body, which is two inches below your navel. 

Use your arms to express your feelings, emotions, or mood. Using your arms can elevate heart-rate, so be careful not to over do it. To maintain comfort, work in a range of motion that allows you to feel balanced and in control. Generate arm movements from the core of your body and keep your joints relaxed and fluid to obtain definition. If you feel tension building in your shoulders, shake out your arms and hands to release the tension. Add your arms back into your movement when you feel ready. 

Draw your knee up toward your chest before you kick out. Always kick at a level where you can lengthen your spine and maintain control, comfort, and balance. Feel for a stretch along the back of the leg and spine as you kick. 

Protect your knees. On sinking motions, periodically lift your toes to keep your knees safely aligned over your feet and to keep your calves engaged. As you lower your body weight, feel your buttocks naturally move back behind you to avoid pressing your knees to the front. 

For a complimentary thought and healthy YOU. Combine a good diet with internal and external exercise to balance your fitness program. With enough sleep, proper nutrition, and exercise, you will see and feel results far beyond changing the shape of your body. Reducing the amounts of salt, sugar, fats, red meats, and refined and processed foods will cleanse your body and strengthen your internal fitness. Having healthy organs and a system that functions optimally will give you more energy to do everything you want. Your skin will glow, you will sleep better, your cells will be nourished, and you will feel excited about living!

Exercise wisdom - where to start, what to consider?

Finding an exercise program or movement form that works for me. Where to start? What is important to know or understand? What can support you in/towards a healthy
Muscle balance and injury free body and quality exercise class. For the new and the regular 'exerciser' : )

1. Don’t judge an exercise modality or program before trying it

Try at least a few different instructors, classes and/or studios before you decide against an exercise program. You may find that the right instructor can be a good fit and make you a convert or that your body loves a movement modality you had never thought you would enjoy..

2. Look for a workout and an education.

This is an important balance to find. We know most students want to feel-the-burn and target their least-loved body parts, but please don’t just look for a workout that makes you feel sore. A good exercise program will have a well-rounded and educational approach to fitness, challenge your body and teach you good alignment and movement. Great instructors know anatomy, kinesiology and can tell by looking at you if you are initiating a movement from the wrong muscle. This is important to develop a balanced physique and avoid injury. So research your instructor or trainer’s background and education. Set your standards high and only train with true professionals.

3. Go private once in a while.

Many fitness programs offer both group workouts and private ones. Understandably, students often back away from private training options because the price tag is intimidating. I know…we all have budgets to be mindful of. But know this: for many exercise programs and with the right instructor, you will progress much faster when you work one-on-one than you will in a group class. Just think about the difference between getting 1/10th of your instructor’s attention in a group mat class versus their undivided attention in a private training session. In a private session, instructors hardly let you do a single repetition wrong. Plus they help you tackle personal challenges and reset bad exercise habits in ways you can’t in class. Yes they cost more, but you get a lot more out of them. So if your budget can afford it, take private sessions at least once in a while...a way to boost your quality of movement.

4. We can’t make promises. You’re in control.

Clients attend classes on average 3 hours a week. That’s it. The other 165 hours you’re on your own. So it is not in an instructors' capacity to give you a promised outcome. But we can equip you with what you need for this journey and remind you that Fitness is a way of life, and sometimes it simply takes a small adjustment in your approach and focus. TAKE CONTROL. Focus on exercising to feel good, get strong and make your body happy. Exercise in some way almost every day. Keep your eating clean and the rest will follow.

5. Check your attitude and clear your head.

The way we enter our exercise class can determine the quality of our workout. On your way to class listen to soothing music, breathe and prepare yourself for the positive experience that awaits you and your body. 

We know in today’s overworked world, it’s challenging to carve out the time and money to exercise YET IT IS SOOO IMPORTANT to our health and happiness and exercise can be cathartic.

Your body will thank you.

6. To our i.move clients: The beauty of communication.

We are here for YOU! So talk to us and tell us what you need or like. Tell us if you loved a certain class and why. Tell us if you want to do things differently, we love and grow from/with your feedback. Tell us if you don’t understand our instructions. Tell us ANYTHING that hurts or is injured. We need to know! The more we know, the better we can be for you.


FREE Pilates course

If you have ever wondered what it feels like to practice the Pilates principles, and would like to experience what this mindful movement form/class has to offer your body...then this class is for YOU.

Anyone is welcome and no prior experience is necessary. If you have injuries that Jeanne needs to take into consideration you are welcome to call her directly for guidance on 072 290 5160.

Jeanne will be presenting the Pilates principles step by step, this class is geared to empower you to be able to benefit more from your Pilates experience, through understanding, be it at i.move or elsewhere or simply to open your body up to a new experience.

The only request to you will be, (as space in this class is limited) once you have booked your space that you will honour it and are able to dedicate time to 4 sessions (over 4 weeks) at 17h30.

An i.move experience shared

From a participant in our Intro to Pilates group.
"I very much appreciate all that I am learning in the Pilates classes you have so kindly and generously been offering.  The subtlety of the movements combined with core strength is remarkably effective and I felt great yesterday evening and today.  Rolling back over the squishy ball was especially pleasant.  I am most impressed with your skill and extensive knowledge of the human body and as always enjoy being in your presence" 
We will be offering the above mentioned special free participation Pilates class in October again. And we welcome new bodies interested in exploring what Pilates can do for them.
Also a reminder to mark the 18th October in your Diaries for your free alignment Assessment @ i.move, 7am - 11am (booking a spot for yourself is essential, assessments will take about 15min). 
"Teaching this class has been such a pleasure! I learn more about movement and the body through every one of you that enters my studio. I am very excited to meet the next group of bodies that will be participating this coming Month." - Jeanne

Friday, September 19, 2014

Taking a look at TRE: Why would I do TRE?

Why do trauma and tension release exercises (TRE)?

The simple answer:  because you will be shaking  off stress and tension stored in the body due to chronic or acute stress.
The physiological answer:  when you have a fright or you are tense and under strain, your body contracts and if the body does not fully release the contraction, the resultant tension remains in the musculature and fascia, causing pain and misalignment. Shaking releases the excess cortisol and adrenaline produced in a stressful or traumatic situation, allowing the autonomic nervous system to return to a normal balanced state and brings about a sense of well being.

What is trauma?  
Trauma is a shocking or stressful experience that brings about a state of helplessness. If you can fight or flee from a traumatic situation, the traumatic response is less intense.  Chronic stress can bring about similar symptoms as those experienced by people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as anxiety, insomnia, depression and physical aches and pains. 
Whether trauma is caused by psychological, physical, interpersonal or emotional factors, it will eventually express itself in the body ......if it has not been not fully released. 
TRE consists of a set of 6 easy stretches designed to activate and fatigue the flexor muscles thus inducing neurogenic tremors.

Benefits of TRE:
+ Releases current and past stored tension in the body
+ taps into the body’s own healing system by boosting the immune system
+ helps body cope better with stress
+brings autonomic nervous system back into balance within 12 weeks of regular                      practice.

Clients report:
               + improved sleep
               + a sense of wellbeing
               + less pain in joints
               + improved chronic headaches
               + improved posture
               + less pain from fibromyalgia

Dr David Berceli (  brought TRE to RSA and training of facilitators has been ongoing. He worked with traumatised populations all over the world as a clinical social worker and massage therapist. These exercises have resulted from his observations of how bodies respond to stress and trauma.
Even though these exercises are safe and can become a self help tool, it is recommended that you do at least six sessions with a qualified practitioner, who will ensure you do the exercises correctly and can deal with any form of release you may experience.

Dr Aneta Shaw, working at Mayfair, is a Clinical Psychologist and qualified TRE practitioner.
“I love the simplicity of the method, the healing it brings about and the fact that you need not necessarily talk about problems. Sportsmen love it as their flexibility increases.  As a psychologist I feel I can offer something very practical and valuable over and above the benefits of traditional therapy.”

Le Petit Four

The LPF team is so happy to be at Mayfair – we have enjoyed the warm welcome immensely! We've been keeping nice and busy.

On the menu for this week's harvest table:
Wednesday: Lemon parsley and crême fraiche chicken, Roast beetroot and butternut salad and rice.
Thursday: Lamb neck curry stew with mash and a medley of greens
Friday: Pesto baked kingklip, couscous with roasted red peppers and courgettes

Sweet treats:
Remember that you can order cakes, cupcakes and other sweet treats for any special occasion.  You are also most welcome to order quiches or cooked meals to take home for you for your convenience.

Are you Banting?
With the Banting craze that has hit Cape Town like the good (Cape) Doctor, we thought it wise to share with you our Banting friendly AvoBerry smoothie that has enjoyed much popularity thus far.

Le Petit Four opening Hours:
07h00 – 16h00 Monday to Friday
08h00 – 13h00 Saturday
Harvest table lunch served Tuesday – Friday 12h00 – 14h00.

Strength & Power - a guide for older adults

STRENGTH & POWER: A guide for older adults
You count on your muscles for every move you make — from standing up or bending down to climbing stairs or carrying groceries. Weakened muscles compromise your ability to do those things.
Strong muscles provide the command and confidence to do not just everyday tasks, but all the activities you love to do.

That's what makes safe strength training so important and why it should be part of your exercise routine or more so….part of your daily LIFESTYLE. Just as the cardiovascular benefits of aerobic exercise can add years to your life, strength training can make those years fuller and more rewarding, keeping you fit, active, and self-reliant.

i.move will show you how to start an effective strength and power training program — one that produces results you will see and feel within weeks and that is safe. You will feel more flexible, add tone to your body, and most important, your muscles and bones will be stronger.

Strength and Power Training explains what makes resistance training (the right kind of/clever weight training) such a valuable tool for regaining and maintaining muscle power and improving mobility, agility, and the ability to do all you need — and want — to do. 

i.move will introduce you to the workouts. These 2 workshop sessions with Jeanne will offer you intelligent direction in choosing exercises that match your body, fitness level and goals. You will receive answers to key questions, from how often should you work out to how much weight or resistance should you use and how to use these SAFELY.

Strength and Power Training's workouts prove you can have gain without pain. Workout One aims to help you build strength for daily tasks and recreation. Workout Two extends your success with exercises that bring variety and challenge. Plus, you'll get added exercises for stretching, balancing, and switching up your routine.

You'll get tips for avoiding injury, for charting progress, for keeping sessions fun, and much more.

Xx Jeanne

                     Come and join us on the 17th October for a 
          FREE Intro to STRENGTH & POWER: 
                  A guide for older adults 
                                                11:30 - 12:30 . 

Following this INTRO Jeanne will be offering a 2 part workshop on the 24th & 31st for those ready to take make this part of their lives. Investment will be R250 for both days. 

POSTURE MADE EASY Free Postural Assessment @ i.move studio


Find out about your Alignment in an understandable and manageable/applicable way?

"Passionate about posture and fascinated with its impact on our daily lives i.e life quality, strength & flexibility... I would like to offer YOU some very easy ways to understand your posture and perhaps invite you on the amazing journey of the body...when we simply start to pay attention." -- Jeanne

Jeanne, from i.move studio, will be offering...

Free 15 minute one-on-one alignment focused session.

When: Saturday 18th October 2014 
Time:   07:00 - 11:00 am. 
Book: Call  Front desk on 021 851 7037 to reserve your spot.

Are you happy?

What if what we’re supposed to be all the time - is happy and joyful?

The Access Bars process has assisted tens of thousands of people worldwide to 
change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, 
money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress, disabilities and so much more.
The process is used in prisons, in refugee camps, at after school centres and 
many other places across 171 countries. At this very moment Access Bars are 
being used on the Gaza Strip for soldiers where one soldier recently exclaimed, 
"I couldn't stop thinking … Now I can't think of nothing, my mind is empty. 
Wow, such a nice silence.”Because all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, 
emotions and considerations that you have unconsciously stored in your 
head to cause limitation, discord and disharmony can be undone by this 
very simple process.

WOULD YOU like to gift yourself or someone who needs help - a space to 
become more happy and joyful?It is just a choice!

To book a session or for more information, please contact Reception at 
Mayfair on 021 851 7037 or ELIZABETH BARDIN (cell 078 371 6343) 
who offers Access Bars sessions (1 hour cost R350) on Wednesdays. 



Do you feel stressed? Tired? Anxious? Do you suffer from muscular aches? Do you feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained?

TRE is a revolutionary new technique to relieve daily and chronic stress, reduce muscular tension and assists in recovering from the effects of trauma on the body.


    • Improve sleep, mental clarity and bring about relaxation 

    • Release current and old tension stored in the body

    • Tap into the bodys own healing processes 

    • Balance the Autonomic Nervous System through neurogenic 

    tremor, Safe & Easy

   Join a 6 week facilitated group program led by
 Aneta Shaw (PhD), Clinical Psychologist and TRE group practitioner.

Date:  Fridays: 12:30-1:40 (Starting from October 3, 2014)

   Venue:  Mayfair, 3 Bright St, Somerset  West.

   Cost    : R1200 (R600 to repeat
   Bookings: Aneta on 082 686 8118 or Reception on 021 851 7037