Friday, September 19, 2014

Are you happy?

What if what we’re supposed to be all the time - is happy and joyful?

The Access Bars process has assisted tens of thousands of people worldwide to 
change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, 
money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress, disabilities and so much more.
The process is used in prisons, in refugee camps, at after school centres and 
many other places across 171 countries. At this very moment Access Bars are 
being used on the Gaza Strip for soldiers where one soldier recently exclaimed, 
"I couldn't stop thinking … Now I can't think of nothing, my mind is empty. 
Wow, such a nice silence.”Because all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, 
emotions and considerations that you have unconsciously stored in your 
head to cause limitation, discord and disharmony can be undone by this 
very simple process.

WOULD YOU like to gift yourself or someone who needs help - a space to 
become more happy and joyful?It is just a choice!

To book a session or for more information, please contact Reception at 
Mayfair on 021 851 7037 or ELIZABETH BARDIN (cell 078 371 6343) 
who offers Access Bars sessions (1 hour cost R350) on Wednesdays.