Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Exercise wisdom - where to start, what to consider?

Finding an exercise program or movement form that works for me. Where to start? What is important to know or understand? What can support you in/towards a healthy
Muscle balance and injury free body and quality exercise class. For the new and the regular 'exerciser' : )

1. Don’t judge an exercise modality or program before trying it

Try at least a few different instructors, classes and/or studios before you decide against an exercise program. You may find that the right instructor can be a good fit and make you a convert or that your body loves a movement modality you had never thought you would enjoy..

2. Look for a workout and an education.

This is an important balance to find. We know most students want to feel-the-burn and target their least-loved body parts, but please don’t just look for a workout that makes you feel sore. A good exercise program will have a well-rounded and educational approach to fitness, challenge your body and teach you good alignment and movement. Great instructors know anatomy, kinesiology and can tell by looking at you if you are initiating a movement from the wrong muscle. This is important to develop a balanced physique and avoid injury. So research your instructor or trainer’s background and education. Set your standards high and only train with true professionals.

3. Go private once in a while.

Many fitness programs offer both group workouts and private ones. Understandably, students often back away from private training options because the price tag is intimidating. I know…we all have budgets to be mindful of. But know this: for many exercise programs and with the right instructor, you will progress much faster when you work one-on-one than you will in a group class. Just think about the difference between getting 1/10th of your instructor’s attention in a group mat class versus their undivided attention in a private training session. In a private session, instructors hardly let you do a single repetition wrong. Plus they help you tackle personal challenges and reset bad exercise habits in ways you can’t in class. Yes they cost more, but you get a lot more out of them. So if your budget can afford it, take private sessions at least once in a while...a way to boost your quality of movement.

4. We can’t make promises. You’re in control.

Clients attend classes on average 3 hours a week. That’s it. The other 165 hours you’re on your own. So it is not in an instructors' capacity to give you a promised outcome. But we can equip you with what you need for this journey and remind you that Fitness is a way of life, and sometimes it simply takes a small adjustment in your approach and focus. TAKE CONTROL. Focus on exercising to feel good, get strong and make your body happy. Exercise in some way almost every day. Keep your eating clean and the rest will follow.

5. Check your attitude and clear your head.

The way we enter our exercise class can determine the quality of our workout. On your way to class listen to soothing music, breathe and prepare yourself for the positive experience that awaits you and your body. 

We know in today’s overworked world, it’s challenging to carve out the time and money to exercise YET IT IS SOOO IMPORTANT to our health and happiness and exercise can be cathartic.

Your body will thank you.

6. To our i.move clients: The beauty of communication.

We are here for YOU! So talk to us and tell us what you need or like. Tell us if you loved a certain class and why. Tell us if you want to do things differently, we love and grow from/with your feedback. Tell us if you don’t understand our instructions. Tell us ANYTHING that hurts or is injured. We need to know! The more we know, the better we can be for you.
