Friday, April 5, 2013


Lorna Cayton
I have studied Somatic Counselling and use authentic movement for self- enhancement...this was originally used by Mary Whitehouse who was a dancer and found that dance could be used in development and various people have based her findings on 2 types of movement she explores....To move....or Be Move. I use this as well as Laban dance therapy and my own method which I have discovered as I'm a dancer originally by profession. I also use gesture, dreams, inner child work and sub-personalities to explore various aspects of the self to bring about great freedom and wholeness.

I have recently returned from being a support and counsellor for trauma and abuse victims among the Indigenous people (Red Indians) and now offer my experience and knowledge locally.

Best wishes
Lorna Cayton

Talk: "Be moved" 9th April, Tuesday 19h30