Thursday, April 25, 2013

WHY EXERCISE? - Can we find JOY in movement?

"Should I, shouldn't I?", "Can I, can't I do it?", "Do I have the energy?", "Is it financially a wise decision?", "Do I actually have the time?", "Do I really need to exercise?"

We all know this conversation...and all it does is bring about procrastination.

The reality is that our bodies were meant to move,  and this is something our modern day and age encourages us to do less and less.

Therefore its more important than ever for us to be reminded that MOVEMENT is just as important as your energy placed on .

Important about movement is that it should bring joy and have purpose. Its so often that we move to lose weight, we move because we feel we MUST...we don't necessarily move to ENJOY BEING IN OUR BODIES. 

Yet its when we start to enjoy movement that our lives change. 

Throughout the years of working with people and their bodies I have been able to observe the amazing impact ENJOYING exercise has on us and our body... from pain relief, to increased self confidence, self expression, relief from depression, weight loss, and especially a general sense of well being. 

Journey to find what brings you that JOY. 3 Tips to make exercising come easy:

1) Try different movement forms.
2) To find the JOY we need to give ourselves and our bodies time with a movement form. 3 months is an optimal yet in my experience 1 month can work too. 
3) Understand that the nervous system takes time to adjust to new movement. Therefore no need to get flustered...the more you smile at yourself the easier the movement will come to you.
                                                                                          -- Jeanne



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