Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What is Power fusion?

Power fusion is a class that caters for EVERYBODY.

The goal of this class is to build Muscular endurance and stamina.

Strength is empowering. Strength does not refer to bulking up.  Join us in our amazing Power fusion program that will take you to that new level of strength.

Nicola gives an amazing class geared for each of YOU. Incorporating the i.move philosophy and focus of 'intelligent' movement into each session, this class will become an amazing addition to your weekly practice (Yoga, Nia, Pilates, Zumba, Tai Chi, Qi gong), assisting you to build functional strength and definately the way to tone your body...Power fusion just takes it up a notch.

As this class will be focusing on Muscular endurance you will work with your muscles to the point of fatigue, yet in a range and with the weights that are appropriate for you. Nicola is a great motivator and an inspiration when teaching, she focuses on the detail of your movement and technique to achieve maximum result. 

Your sessions will also build a different awareness. Visiting your boundaries in movement and strength is a beautiful practice for the body, visiting these with care allows them to expand or 'stretch'. Building strength in the body also builds an inner strength, working with our boundaries builds our confidence in our own ability, muscular endurance training has a vast amount of health benefits too!

Well enough reading about this modality, COME AND EXPERIENCE IT! That is the best way to find out.

Classes take place:
Tuesdays 9h45am
Thursdays 15h30pm

We would love your requests too! Should these session times not suit you, let us know what times you would prefer.

Join our OPEN Day on the 20th of April. It will be a day for you to experience all our Movement modalities, a lovely treat for your body!! The day will offer you the opportunity to be part of our community project if this speaks to you. Otherwise this is a day to come, enjoy and bring your friends along. Bookings are essential. Call front desk at 021 851 7037 to get more info on the day and to make your bookings.