What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen technique was devised by Tom Bowen in Geelong Australia. This therapy
addresses the entire body by means of gentle but effective moves over
connective tissue and muscles. In essence, it stimulates the body to heal
itself by responding to the very specific information relayed to the brain by
the therapist.
Who can benefit from Bowen Therapy?
can benefit from Bowen Therapy, even babies and pregnant women.
Bowen works for:
Any condition that involves pain or discomfort, for instance,
Backache, Frozen Shoulder, Knee or Ankle injuries and Respiratory problems. It
is especially good for Stress.
What to expect during the
In order to allow the messages to be integrated, the therapist will
leave the room for 2 minutes after certain moves. Most moves can be done
through light or loose clothing.
Sessions can last from between 20 minutes to an hour.
Bookings and cost:
For best results it is recommended to book three sessions (depending
on severity of condition) with 5-7 days between sessions. R300 per session.
Contact Lauraine Weil at 083 236 1474 or Mayfair Cottage at
021 851 7037 to book an appointment.